Thann he seid he knew not my mayster Yelverton seale.
Thanne it folowyt well if the Acte of Parlement be no tytyll for the Kyng thann is ther no tytyll for the Kyng of recorde, for that clawse in the patente is no tytyll; than if ther [be] no tytyll, ergo the patents voyde.
Thann in Alsace Thannis known to legend by two things: a steeple and a field.
This last named town commanded the route eastward, as Waldshut that to the southeast, and Thann the highway through the Vosges region.
Thann and Ensisheim were both firm in refusing admission to his garrisons.
I really had not cared in the least to go to eitherThann or Dugny, and was delighted at the prospect of reaching Paris that night (this was not true, but never mind), told us an amusing story of one of his former visits to the front.
When Skirner is to go on Frey's journey of courtship to Gerd, he asks for that purpose mar thann er mic um myrckvan beri visan vafrloga, and is allowed to ride it on and for the journey (Skirn.
Luther replied, that he agreed with the Landgrave’s intention as announced by Thann concerning his second marriage, viz.
In a written memorandum which he presented during the Conference he makes a similar threat, which, however, as already shown in the case of Thann (above, p.
Thann is raked by the German lines, and its windows are mostly shuttered and its streets deserted.
Thann itself is at the valley-head, in a neck between hills; a handsome old town, with the air of prosperous stability so oddly characteristic of this tormented region.
After our visit to the ruins, a diversion was suggested by the amiable administrators of Thannwho had guided our sight-seeing.
A good example is the western doorway at Thann (Fig.
Thann may be taken as giving a good idea of the amount of rich ornament often concentrated here: it displays a wealth of decorative sculpture, which was one of the great merits of the German architects.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "thann" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.