Und yu is down dare too Efrum wid dem yaller upperlips, pine plank lak de sun flowers in de jam of Hanna's gyarden er bobbin up und down same as a kildee in de mash; und boff of yu er smokin in de tarnel hell farr.
Wal," ses he, "Majer, that would be jest like my tarnel luck.
But ye see, Major, all these pollyticens are a set of tarnel hyppercrits, and I hate 'em.
It's tew tarnel dark even tew think," and Ham laid down on his blanket and rolled himself up in it and refused to have another word to say about the mystery that night.
Lin declared: "If the tarnel critters had been dressed, she'd have thrown every last devil of 'em off the raft into the river.
Lin sat the children down quickly, "thinkin' it was some of the tarnel brats that had pestered the show tent ever since Alfred started it.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tarnel" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.