From Rügen he went quickly south by Stettin to Berlin, then to Cüstrin to survey the field of Zorndorf, with what memorable result readers of Friedrich know.
This done, Frederick was released from prison, but was kept under surveillance at Cüstrin till February, 1732, when he was permitted to return to Berlin.
He knows the people of Küstrin well, and understands how to get along with them, for the late commandant of Küstrin was his father.
The Swedes further desire that the Küstrin Pass be closed to imperial troops.
All, with the exception of Burgsdorf of Küstrin and Trotha of Peitz, will declare that they have already given in their oath to the Emperor, and can not conscientiously take any other.
By Küstrin is the road to Stettin, and it is important for us, too, that this way be closed to the Imperialists.
Tell the postilion that I shall provide for the education of his children, if we reach Küstrin in fifteen minutes," replied the queen.
The French were reported as approaching the fortress of Küstrin by forced marches!
We had to take fugitives to Küstrin all the time.
With the days of his imprisonment in Küstrin and his stay in Ruppin, his years of serious education began.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "strin" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.