Relief was prompt, and the removal of the foreign body was followed by the issue of stercoraceous matter which had accumulated the six days it had remained in situ.
Robson reports a case of strangulated hernia in the third month of pregnancy with stercoraceous vomiting.
The ejecta contain mucus in gastritis, blood in ulcer and in cancer of the stomach, stercoraceous {163} material in obstruction of the bowels, black vomit in bad cases of yellow fever.
The abdomen is greatly distended; hiccough comes on, also stercoraceous vomiting, tenesmus, and in the worst cases involuntary stools and suppression of urine.
Occlusion of the canal from this cause may last for days, and be accompanied with tympanitis, stercoraceous vomiting, and all the signs of internal strangulation, ending in death.
Stercoraceous vomiting is, however, rare, and only seen in the later period of the attack.
In ileus the pain is more continuous, the tenderness localized; there is constipation of a most obstinate character, and vomiting of stercoraceous matter.
The higher up the obstruction, the earlier stercoraceousvomiting begins.
Stercoraceous vomiting, as a rule, comes on early in acute and late in chronic cases of complete occlusion of the gut; in spasmodic ileus or impermeability not due to mechanical occlusion feculent vomiting is only occasionally seen.
The next daystercoraceous vomiting commenced, with no movement of the bowels, except what was produced by 10 grains of calomel given on the second day of this vomiting.
It becomes black on the dorsal surface of the Stercoraceous Geotrupes and the Mimic Geotrupes; and, with a quick change, it turns into amethyst under the belly of the first and into copper pyrites under the belly of the second.
But the dwarf undertaker does not on that account scorn stercoraceous fare: he feasts upon it like the other Onthophagi.
Black above, the Mimic Geotrupes is the colour of copper pyrites below; also black in all parts exposed to the light of day, the Stercoraceous Geotrupes displays a ventral surface of a glorious amethyst violet.
I evaporate a few drops of sulphuric ether in a glass jar and put in a Stercoraceous Geotrupes and a specimen of Buprestis tenebrionis, at the same time.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stercoraceous" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.