Roberts, whose intended publication in 1603 had been stayed, but for Bonian and Whalley, who issued it with a preface stating that it had never been "staled with the stage.
Troylus and Cressida was published surreptitiously in 1609, with an address to the reader stating that it had been "never staled with the stage.
It was still luxurious; but "custom had staled the infinite variety" of its ornament and furnishing.
It may be, that the latter are more staled and rung upon in common discourse.
Not only might the joys of England after exile have become staled by this time, but a voyage of a week or two would not have prepared me to make the most of them.
They were not staled and blase, those simple people, but as fresh as children for the game in hand.
If they are staled by the dogs, let our toils still kill the quarry.
If they are staled by men, let our toils still kill the quarry, by virtue of,' etc.
And where Emmy had grown communicative--since Emmy had nothing to conceal--Jenny had felt more and more that her happiness was staled as thought corroded it.
Already she was staled with the evening's excitement.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "staled" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.