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Example sentences for "sniped"

Lexicographically close words:
snigger; sniggered; sniggering; snip; snipe; sniper; snipers; snipes; sniping; snipped
  1. The ground is so broken and ill-defined that it was very difficult to select a position to intrench, especially as, after the troops imagined they had cleared a section, they were continually being sniped from all sides.

  2. At least three boats, having broken away from their tows, drifted down the coast, under no control, and were sniped at the whole way, steadily losing men.

  3. The scene was a long, walled compound, from which we had been sniped at for hours.

  4. Although wounded in the head, he lay on the front of the enemy's parapet, and sniped away till dark, when he returned to his platoon, and asked for more ammunition.

  5. During the run back we were sniped at occasionally by Turks who were still hiding in the hills.

  6. We met with little opposition, save from occasional bands of stragglers who concealed themselves behind rocks and sniped at us.

  7. This particular loophole had been severely sniped all the morning, the Germans evidently thinking it was a new Maxim-gun emplacement.

  8. The rearguard was sniped at the whole way by our friends of the day before, but without effecting much damage.

  9. That finally determined him, more especially as he was not exactly standing on ceremony at the time, seeing the next company was being sniped at, and his turn liable to come at any moment.

  10. Before they found it they had to run the gantlet of Germans, and were sniped all the way through a wood, and took flying shots at moving figures.

  11. Out of that sixteen, two were killed and eleven were wounded, for the Germans sniped at them as they worked to carry the wounded from the field.

  12. Once, seeing a comrade who had been blinded stumbling along in full view of the enemy who were sniping at him, O'Rourke jumped out of the trench and brought him in, being himself heavily sniped at while doing so.

  13. This relief had to be carried out after nightfall, as the position was as yet unsafe from Turkish marksmen who sniped the approaches by day.

  14. One Dervish in particular sniped the Naval Brigade all breakfast-time.

  15. Next day (the 24th) we were sniped by a few wandering scouts: and save for these, saw no enemy.

  16. If so, the chances are he sniped no more.

  17. There were also some excellent black-and-white charcoal sketches, which were really beautifully done, showing what happened in villages where the Germans were sniped at.

  18. All the way along we were sniped at, but we managed to get back (p.

  19. We know those villages, we have lived in them, we have been sniped at in their streets and shelled in the houses.

  20. Colonel Griffiths himself set off to visit "A" Company, but he had not gone many yards along the road before he was heavily sniped by the enemy machine gunners.

  21. All day yesterday they sniped and got a few, amongst them our special shot.

  22. After a few sharp rounds of rapid fire, however, they thought better of it, and retired and sniped the rest of the night.

  23. The three used to grope about in the daytime to get food and drink, and the Turks sniped at them whenever they got the chance.

  24. Colonel Younger was again tackling the dispositions for the next advance, when the Brigadier himself rode up, very nearly getting sniped as he trotted in.

  25. There was nothing for us to do but to lie there and watch, and we absolutely confirmed our convictions that we were being sniped at from this particular haystack.

  26. We sniped at him with our rifles, but failed to get him.

  27. He told me that the relief party had been sniped at every step of the way to the gun.

  28. Up in the leafless and shattered trees on the battlefield were Germans with machine-guns, and German riflemen who sniped our men as they passed.

  29. He was killed afterwards by one of his own men, who sniped him as he was walking back to our lines.

  30. Afterwards, to save ammunition, he sniped the enemy with their own rifles which they had dropped on the field.

  31. The Germans had not sniped or machine-gunned the stretcher-bearers, but had sent their own men out on the same mission too.

  32. As they went forward over that shell-destroyed ground they left behind them Germans hidden in shell-pits, who sniped our men in the rear, and picked off many of them until later in the day they were routed out.

  33. It was a narrow escape for this boy of nineteen, and he had others before he got back with a few men, sniped all the way by the enemy on the hill-side.

  34. Men lying in shell-craters still alive among all their dead used their rifles and sniped our men, knowing that they would have to pay for their shots with their lives.

  35. Finally they kept well astern and sniped from long range.

  36. All the remaining ammunition was passed forward to the front gunners, who sniped at long range, the Huns gradually opening out their lead.

  37. There we were joined by the convoy and the men we had left at Tweefontein; on the way we were sniped at, a few shots being fired at the cavalry rear guard, but no harm was done to anyone.

  38. On the 24th the baggage of the column was well sniped by some sixty Boers at Kopjeskraal, on the way to Vaalbank.

  39. With a number of companions they had been driven down-stream from the Thompson by Indians and had been sniped all the way for forty miles.

  40. In the afternoon things were fairly quiet, but in walking along the low ridge held by the Liverpools and Devons, I was sniped at every time my head showed against the sky.

  41. We are in a very exposed position and have been warned that we will be sniped at once if we show a light.

  42. I went along the Krithia road till I came to The Gully I once reached late one evening, when Thomson and I were sniped at.

  43. The annoying part of our work was that we were repeatedly sniped at, but never had a chance to retaliate, even when we saw the enemy, as we did on several occasions.

  44. Somebody's darling was sniped one fierce day, An ambulance jolted him far away; Somebody's darling had got it bad, Somebody at home would soon be sad.

  45. We were soon being sniped at from the right and the left, by, I presume, numerous small parties of Boers, and after riding about a mile were dismounted behind a farmhouse, and took up a position on the banks of the Crocodile.

  46. I arrived on the scene a few minutes after the start of the engagement, but already one could see the poor fellows writhing in agony in the roadway, where the advanced line had been sniped by the terrible leaden bullets of the Sinn Feiners.

  47. He wanted to give a poor Tommy a drink, and got sniped as he was preparing to get down to the water of the canal.

  48. At different points you might see Germans walking about in the open and the observer could stand exposed within easy range of the guns without being sniped at by artillery, as he would have been in the Ypres salient.

  49. Yet through the twenty months that the opposing armies had sniped at each other from the same positions the relic had done faithful auxiliary service.

  50. Sometimes we could see the Germans moving out in the open from their dugouts at the base of the hill in St. Pierre Divion and driven to cover as the British guns sniped at them with shrapnel.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sniped" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.