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Example sentences for "should not have been"

  • My opponent, pleased with the victory he had gained, affected a great deal of candour, and told me, he should not have been so positive, if he had not been at great pains to inform himself of each particular.

  • Had honest Block been living, I should not have been at loss.

  • Therefore He should not have been baptized.

  • Therefore it seems that He should not have been born in Bethlehem.

  • Therefore it seems that He should not have been conceived of a woman.

  • Therefore it should not have been manifested by means of angels.

  • The officers drank my health in overflowing bumpers, and had I not remembered my uncle's advice, and prevented my own glass from being filled, I should not have been in a fit state to present myself at Mr Ringer's hospitable mansion.

  • If you hadn't paid attention to Miss Lucy, we should not have been here.

  • I told him exactly how it had happened, and that I myself considered that under the circumstances I should not have been justified in taking it.

  • If they could have obtained any redress from a Magistrate, I should not have been consulted.

  • If that woman had never lived, if we had never heard of her, I should not have been so improvident.

  • Oh, that's right; I should not have been happy if I had not bid you good-bye.

  • I should not have been sorry to hear that he had been well ducked in the lake.

  • I knew Learoyd only in the most casual way, and I had never been in his rooms in my life, so I should not have been disappointed if he had been out.

  • The house seemed to be full of stuffiness and gloom, so much so that had I been unable to find either the Professor or his son, I should not have been at all sorry.

  • Be this as it may, we should not have been defeated if we had abided firmly by our defensive policy.

  • What a pity that we should not have been introduced to each other!

  • I know how great, how justly great, your influence is with Lady Bertram and her children, and am the more concerned that it should not have been.

  • The wonder is that it should not have been thought of before.

  • I felt myself, it being my turn to speak, so empty, spiritless, and barren, that I thought I should not have been able to speak among them so much as five words of truth with life and evidence.

  • Nay I think I should not have been forward to have given advice in the cause; but truly you have given me such an account of his villainies, that the hearing thereof has made me angry with him.

  • Yet if that vagabond of a huissier had not robbed me I should not have been here," said Frank, with concentrated rage.

  • If I had not known you, I should not have been in prison.

  • In either case, however, whether Verrazzano were dead or alive when Francis resumed his royal functions, there is no reason why the discovery, if it had ever taken place, should not have been known by him.

  • For some considerable time past I have been severely economising with a view to paying off some alarming mortgages on the estate, so that I should not have been in a position to allow Charles much in the way of an income.

  • When he was quite a young man, I should not have been in the least surprised if he had come home with a flaunting barmaid, or something exquisitely vulgar in the way of a music hall artiste.

  • I should not have been at all surprised if Charles had come home with some curiosity in the way of a bride, and I am only too profoundly grateful to find that he has made so sweet a choice.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "should not have been" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    cedar wood; each front; happen what; seventy years; should advise; should appear; should attempt; should call; should give; should here; should hope; should just; should kill; should leave; should meet; should move; should only; should produce; should resign; should say; should serve; should suffer; should think; should think you would; should vote; shouldst thou