I want to make a few notes,' he said dryly, when it was arranged; 'I should be glad to satisfy myself.
I have very little sanguineness of any sort in my composition,' he said dryly.
I fancy Miss Barrington has something more to tell you," he said dryly.
Then," he said dryly, "we'll give you a chance of helping us to put the handcuffs on him.
It is," he said dryly, "only a little idea of mine.
My lad," he said dryly, "the police trooper who gets advancement is the one that carries out his orders and never questions them, until he can show that they are wrong.
Well," he said dryly, "a man would have to get up tolerably early if he wanted to come in ahead of you.
My lad," he said dryly, "the police trooper who gets advancement is the one that carries out his orders and never questions them until he can show that they are wrong.
Like our friend there,' I said dryly, pointing to the senseless form we were leaving.
He is a member of the Council of Safety,' he said dryly.
You would not call it one,' he said dryly, 'if you were once in the leather.
Just so,' he said dryly, and I thought he watched me with an odd look in his eyes.
It took me some finding,' he said dryly, 'but I've ways and means.
I didn't notice any,' he said dryly, and was off before I could get more out of him.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "said dryly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.