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Example sentences for "ruddily"

Lexicographically close words:
ructions; rudder; rudderless; rudders; ruddier; ruddiness; ruddled; ruddy; rude; rudely
  1. Billows of smoke roll up from the tall stacks and by night are lit ruddily by the smelter fires all going at a roaring blast.

  2. Meantime there was rioting and noise and coming and going of strangers in the town at the foot of Pine Mountain, and the furnace blast went on ruddily and smokily.

  3. The shouts drew nearer, and lights were seen flashing ruddily against the sides and gables of the neighbouring houses.

  4. He had nothing to guide him; for though the torches were blazing ruddily below, their gleam fell only on the side of the building.

  5. The glory of the western sky lay ruddily over the river as he emerged from the small streets behind Chelsea and faced the broad placid stream.

  6. All around him the leaves glowed ruddily in the warm light.

  7. Suddenly a rush of feet, a roar of voices surged past the window; for a moment the glare of the torches which danced ruddily on the walls of the room, showed a severed head borne above the multitude on a pike.

  8. She had dropped her cloak from her shoulders, and the firelight played ruddily over her dress of shimmering white, revealing her slim young beauty in every delicate detail.

  9. He stood still, then, his eyes glowering ruddily over her head at Jerry, who stamped and swore behind her.

  10. The single electric lamp which lighted the windowless chamber struck a dull, murky, yellow light from the vast piles of precious metal, and gleamed ruddily upon the golden floor.

  11. A great tower shot up from one corner of it, and a hundred windows twinkled ruddily in the light of the morning sun.

  12. Now we came to a rough outcrop of red sandstone, looming ruddily on our right.

  13. Helena shone ruddily as she knelt, a bright, bowed figure, full in the glow.

  14. Siegmund started to see the rim appear ruddily beyond the sea.

  15. Inside, the light came ruddily through the scarlet creeper that covered the windows--no stained glass could have been more exquisite; the benches were dusty and uncushioned, the pulpit dark and reproving in its aloofness.

  16. Peter stood round and solid with the firelight ruddily upon him.

  17. The fire was ruddily lighting the shed by this time, and Janet, from her cramped position, saw Billy.

  18. The morning came up ruddily from the sea; it came with a south-wind playfulness, which tossed the girl's glistening hair with free touch and kissed the glowing face into richer beauty.

  19. Once more he heard the clatter of cavalry galloping up a winding mountain road to a gabled city whose roofs and turrets glinted ruddily in the westering sun.

  20. The light of the camp fire danced ruddily upon her slim, brown arms and throat bared to the rising wind.

  21. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ruddily" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.