Middleton's Rouseabout Tall and freckled and sandy, Face of a country lout; This was the picture of Andy, Middleton's Rouseabout.
Andy's gone with Cattle Out Back The Star of Australasia Middleton's Rouseabout The Vagabond The Sliprails and the Spur "In the Days when the World was Wide, and other Verses" Arthur Albert Dawson Bayldon.
Smith hadn't turned up, and the next rouseabout was doing his work, to the mutual dissatisfaction of all parties immediately concerned.
If a shearer or rouseabout was good at argument, and a bit of a politician, he hadn't to slave much at Thompson's shed, for Baldy would argue with him all day and pay for it.
It may be the rouseabout swiper who rode for the doctor that night, Is in Heaven with the hosts of the Blest, robed and sceptred, and splendid with light.
When the stations `cut out,' as the term for finishing is, and the shearers and rouseabout men leave.
At daybreak, Marshall and I and the rouseabout started on good horses, each going at different angles, but agreeing to meet at the Debil debil Waterhole, and to wait there for each other.
We all started back again at different angles, our final rendezvous being arranged for the station homestead, the rouseabout taking a direct line, and making for the Little Black Billabong on the way.
The next morning, at breakfast-time, a rouseabout brought us a piece of paper which had been nailed to the sandal-tree.
From the rouseabout we found that Eversofar and Bingong were also gone.
We waited twelve hours, and were about to go, leaving a mark behind us to show we had been there, when we saw the rouseabout and his exhausted horse coming slowly through the bluebush to us.
They struck West-o'-Sunday Station, and the boss happened to want a rouseabout to pick up wool and sweep the floor for the shearers.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rouseabout" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.