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Example sentences for "roebucks"

Lexicographically close words:
rodents; rodeo; rodomontade; rods; roebuck; roedeer; roemischen; roentgens; roer; roes
  1. We brought back nine roebucks and three hares; I had, for my share, killed five roebucks and two hares.

  2. It is the birds in the trees, the insects in the grass, the roebucks and the stags in the coppices, and even the little fishes splashing the quiet water with their beating fins.

  3. I, who am about to knock over two roebucks and three wolves?

  4. There will probably not be long, either stags or roebucks in the Islands.

  5. Attempts have been made to raise roebucks in Raasay, but without effect.

  6. As I did so two roebucks broke covert, and galloped rapidly past our Russian friend on the left, who, making a neat right and left, laid them both on the path.

  7. Both it and the front parlor were lighted; in a sort of circle extending into both rooms were all the Roebucks and the four servants.

  8. This is my friend, Matthew Blacklock," said he, and the Roebucks in the circle gravely bowed.

  9. Roebucks cannot be judged by their fumes, and but little by their track as one can of harts, for a man cannot know the male from the female by her feet or by her fumes.

  10. When they withdraw from the bucking, they mew their heads, for men will find but few roebucks that have passed two years that have not mewed their heads by All Hallowtide.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "roebucks" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.