It took some argument to dissuade him from repainting all of them black and green.
It's a good thing Klem didn't get around to repainting his combat vehicles black and green, the way he did the Home Guard stuff at Litchfield.
And he knew that the repainting of that false portrait of Mrs. Taine, with all that it would cost him, was his first offering to that love.
His brain worked with that clearness and precision which he had known while repainting Mrs. Taine's portrait.
But when he saw it on an easel, Legros repainting the perspective according to his idea, well, there was nothing to say.
Duret saw that it was a question not only of drawing, but of colour, of tone, and understood Whistler's theory that to bring the whole into harmony and preserve it the whole must be repainted as a whole, if there was any repainting to be done.
Rossetti at that time seemed to be a victim of a mania for repainting his earlier work.
The suggestion that Ingres spoilt the legs of "La Source" by repainting them when the model was not before him could come from nowhere but the Beaux Arts.
In repainting the legs his object was omission of detail with a view to concentration of attention on the upper part of the figure.
Hunter gave his instructions to the painters and they started cleaning the wings and fuselage preparatory to repainting the plane.
We want you to put a crew on repaintingthe Good News and checking up on the rigging.
But he pointed out again that there would be many things besides the repainting of the car that they could not do.
And after we have made all the repairs we can make, the expense of putting her in first-class shape and repainting her—if you are content with a plain warship drab color—ought not to be above seventy-five dollars.
A word or two, now, about the repainting by which this pictura extincta has been revived to meet existing taste.
The only parts of this figure which have suffered seriously in repainting are the leaves of the rod, and the scorpion.
On the other hand it seems to me to have suffered very much from repainting in all the flesh parts.
The Committee finds that the addition of a reasonable percentage of zinc oxide to white lead increases its durability and retards its chalking, renders it whiter, and forms a surface that presents a much better repainting condition.
The sublimed white lead was in fair condition, with very little checking, and offering a fair repainting surface.
IV Repainting the Little Red Schoolhouse Without, as well as within, the little red school-house may be transformed.
In repainting old work, care should be taken to remove all traces of rust previous to laying on the new coat.
His attention was attracted to the spectacle of the workmen, who were employed in repainting the inner surface of the dome, and whom he could now see at their work on the staging which he had looked up to from below.
The repainting of the country house is a necessary evil that recurs periodically.
The reshingling and repainting of the house and the addition of the trellises at one side completed the exterior improvements.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "repainting" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.