And with regard to their balsamic and aromatic nature, these qualities warm the stomach and expel wind, by rarefying the flatuous exhalations from chyle in the prima viæ.
And here, it is proper to add, that all aromatics, by rarefying the blood, are cordial.
Rarefying degenerative changes manifested by exostosis involving the phalanges of the young, causing ringbone, are fairly common in occurrence throughout this country.
Rarefying osteitis in chronic ringbone and ossification of lateral cartilages.
Rarefying osteitis wherein articular cartilage was destroyed in a case of arthritis of fetlock joint.
This phial was first held a short time in the hand, which, warming, and of course rarefying the air within, drove a small part of it out through the syphon.
The cause of this phenomenon depends on the property which air possesses of rarefying with heat and condensing with cold, joined to its weight.
The porous condition of the bone, which is here shown, is a result of a rarefying or rarefactive ostitis.
In Mr. Spedding's system, the whole of the return air came in one current to his rarefying furnace (see letter C, fig.
Here the circulation is made active by rarefying the air at the upcast shaft, by means of a very large furnace placed either at the bottom or top of the shaft.
On rarefying the gas still more, a few large ramifications were obtained of a pale bluish colour, utterly unlike those in nitrogen.
On rarefying the gas, the formation of the brush was facilitated, but it was generally of a low squat form, very poor in light, and very similar on both the positive and negative surfaces.
The diffusion of aqueous vapour through the air and the rarefying influence of heat jointly effect an alteration in the weight of the atmosphere.
The trabecular framework of the bone undergoes erosion and absorption--rarefying ostitis--and either disappears altogether or only irregular fragments or sequestra of microscopic dimensions remain in the area affected.
The term rarefying ostitis is applied to any process that is attended with excessive absorption of the framework of a bone, whereby it becomes more porous or spongy than it was before, a condition known as osteoporosis.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rarefying" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.