Recens enim in quorundam vestrorum animis adhuc est illius cruenti temporis memoria quod a Ricardo tertio cum avi nostri materni Edwardi Quarti statum in controversiam vocasset ejusque heredes regno atque vitâ privâsset illatum est.
Sigwart, indeed, has missed the essential difference between the categorical and the hypothetical construction of syllogisms.
A terrible and revolting picture of the superstitious belief in ghouls which violate Christian tombs is given by Leo Allatius (who held it) in his tract De opinionibus quorundam Graecorum (Paris, 1646).
For the hair and nails may harbour pollution, just as the medieval Greeks believed that evil spirits could lurk in a man's beard (Leo Allatius, De opinionibus quorundam Graecorum).
The passage of his Preface is worth transcribing: "Fratrum quorundam nostrorum hortatu sedulo infimus ego, O coenobitarum S.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "quorundam" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.