And I think that those "Heures" of Simon Vostre would not be readily overlooked at the Hotel Sylvestre any more than would those Preces Piae compiled for the use of Queen Claude.
A commonplace series ofPreces dia, with miniatures, were first sold off at mediocre prices.
In the Breviary there are two sets of preces, the Preces Dominicales for Sunday and the Preces Feriales for ferial Offices.
Preces, if they are ordered in the Office of the Day, Preces Dominicales or Preces feriales as rubrics direct.
When the preces or the preces feriales are said the sign of the cross is made from the forehead to the breast, at the words Adjutorium nostrum in nomine Domini.
Before the reform of the Breviary by Pope Pius X,, the Preces at Vespers contained six short prayers and the Psalm, Miserere.
The preces are said at Lauds and Vespers in ferias of Advent and at the small Hours; preces are said, too, if they be said at Lauds.
The ferial preces of Lauds are found in the Breviary, immediately after the second set of Psalms for ferial Lauds and after the short responsory in the psalm arrangements for the days of the week.
The preces dominicales at Prime and Compline have a form of their own, additions being made in the preces of Prime when said on a feria.
At Prime, Preces Feriales are said if they have been said at Lauds.
They call it 'Opus quod Reverendus Pater Ignatius promovere satagit, ut nempe Catholici pro Acatholicorum, praesertim Angliae, conversione veluti agmine facto, ferventiori jugiter rationepreces fundant .
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "preces" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.