An insignificant number--but for us, the troops of two poor little republics, it was large.
And I must declare it, that since the unfortunate occurrence at Nauwpoort I never had more courage than now, nor had I been able till then to address the burghers with more pleasure than now.
Field-Cornet Jan Lyon thereupon set spurs to his horse, and dashed forward with a small body of burghers.
There were some, however, of those who had gone the first time who now went again, among whom were General Wessel Wessels, Commandant Jan Jacobsz, and some men.
The Maxim-Nordenfeldts again played upon the waggons in the rear, and the officers had again the greatest trouble to get the burghers into position.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "poniendo" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.