Miss Elsham, in her conference at the window with Crowley that evening, revealed how actively her batch of ponderings had been set to working by that bit of suggestion.
He was roused from his ponderings by the crunching of feet on broken glass, and looked up and beheld Latisan.
And once more, in spite of himself, his dark ponderings concerned themselves with suspicions as to what and who this girl really was.
The torpor of idleness and woeful ponderingshad numbed his wits.
And his molten ponderings kept alight the fires in his face.
Lida saw the sun come quivering over the big trees and sat by her window, continuing the doleful ponderings which had made the night black and dismal.
What are the chances of you liking it, liking the cello above other instruments, favoring your philosophic ponderings above everything, and now telling me that you are okay with me being gay.
Instead, homosexuals blew with the top soil and ideas shifted along with this drifting in the pensiveponderings of the ephemeral nature of reality.
Back then there were solitaryponderings in summer walks along the coast of the Sea of Japan.
He was learned in Mardian lore; much given to quotations from ancient and obsolete authorities: the Ponderings of Old Bardianna: the Pandects of Alla-Malolla.
In any case the society seem to have occupied the house, and, with their usual bad luck, were influenced neither by the ponderings of Miss Morris, nor by the fredaines of the lady of the skipping rope.
Such, I take it, was the effect of his ponderingsupon the mind of Sir Thomas Dick-Lauder.
Such were the ponderings which ran habitually through my mind in the days of my scientific youth.
Arthur O'Leary: his wanderings andponderings in many lands.
Philip's ponderingswere of a varied character as he entered the narrow lane which led to Waverdale Hall, and slowly trod the light and springy turf in silence.
And not more infallible the ponderings of the Calculating Machine than the deductions from the decimals of history.
That he had dreams andponderings about the mystery such as he never put into the mouths of actors I do not doubt; but I imagine they were no more than dreams and ponderings and movings about in worlds unrealised.
Indeed just here seems to be the birthplace of all his prophetic ponderings over the final issues of our civic life.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ponderings" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.