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Example sentences for "pluche"

Lexicographically close words:
plowshare; plowshares; ploy; ploys; plu; pluck; plucke; plucked; pluckiest; pluckily
  1. Hugo de la Pluche came over with the Conqueror); and the new brougham which he has started bears the ancient coat of his race.

  2. But the Greeks, having taken everything from the Hebrews, with whom they were unacquainted, clearly gave to their giants all those names which Pluche extracts from the Hebrew as well as he can, and all as a memorial of the deluge.

  3. It is not in the smallest degree probable that all those abominable absurdities are owing, as Pluche would have us believe, to the foliage with which the heads of Isis and Osiris were formerly crowned.

  4. Pluche was an opponent of Des Cartes, and thus a name far greater than his, and as many will hold greater than Hume's, is introduced into the circle of these local associations.

  5. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pluche" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.