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Example sentences for "pecky"

Lexicographically close words:
pecke; pecked; pecker; pecking; pecks; pecooliar; pecora; pect; pectens; pectic
  1. The latter fungus is the same or is closely related to that which tunnels the trunk of incense cedar and produces pecky cypress.

  2. The cedar thus affected resembles "pecky cypress," and it is believed that the same species of fungus, or a closely related species, is responsible for the injury to both cypress in the South and incense cedar on the Pacific coast.

  3. Wood close, straight-grain, frequently full of small holes caused by disease known as "pecky cypress.

  4. Pecky sat still, with his head on one side.

  5. There was a shrill, horrified squeak, and that was the last of poor Pecky Robin.

  6. I wouldn't be Pecky for a thousand dollars," she declared flatly.

  7. When the expedition returned the following day both Pecky and Monty were gone.

  8. Did you know," confided Bengal, with a fresh burst of giggles, "that Pecky shaves?

  9. This home has a large and beautiful living room paneled and beamed in "pecky cypress", and it was there J.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pecky" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.