Ego autem ascendi in vnum illorum in quo nullum ferrum potui reperrire, et in viginta octo dietis perueni ad ciuitaten Thana, in qua pro fide Christi quatuor de fratribus nostris martyrizati sunt.
The fasciculi in one of 1511 are as follow:-- Sulpitii Examen de octopartibus orationis.
Letter of Colet to Lilly, dated 1513, prefixed to the several editions of De Octo Orationis Partibus, &c.
To these eight books must be added the De octo partium orationis constructione libellus of Lily and Erasmus, two leaves of which were found in the book bound by Siberch which Mr Duff discovered at Westminster.
For in an ancient booke which I haue seene, and yet haue, intituled, Liber formularum literarum curiae Romanae, octo capitulorum, episcopatus Cardocensis.
Novem either put her horns into Octo's ribs, and Octo shambled to one side, or else the two locked horns and tried the game of push and gore until one gave up.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "octo" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.