Turanian Medes who spoke the second language of the Achæmenian inscriptions, the eastern half, bounded by the Tigris and the Persian Gulf, consisting of a flat and swampy land.
An attempt has been made to identify the language in which they are written with the Sumero-accadian, and authorities now generally agree in considering the Arcæmenian inscriptions of the second type as representative of its modern form.
With the reader in possession of these facts, we now turn to an account of the origins of the Achæmenian dynasty and the reign of Cyrus the Great.
So nobody, amid either Persians, or Medes, or even amid the Achæmenian race, dreamed of disputing his right.
Battle of Arbela which overthrows the Achæmenian Dynasty.
This name does not occur in the Achæmenian inscriptions, but it is mentioned in the Gathas and by Aristotle,[1791] so that it appears to belong to an early stratum of the Iranian religion.
You have done it after my own heart,—only a little too briefly, for a concluding sentence on the connection of the language of the Achæmenian Inscriptions with Zend is wanting.
Where, then, are the Aramœisms in the Achæmenian Inscriptions, which surely are Persian in the strictest sense?
It was known to scholars that certain Achæmenian princes—Darius and his successors—had erected some of the monuments from which copies of the inscriptions were taken.
Punjaub was invaded by the Persians under Darius, and during the remaining period of the Achæmenian kings continued a satrapy of Persia.
As certain of these signs retained a syllabic character, the Persian cuneiform was never a pure alphabet, though far on the way to this as early as the period of the Achæmenian kings.
The palace, which was one of the three principal residences of the Achæmenian kings, is probably mentioned by Strabo, and possibly in Dionysius Periegetes.
Provisional trenches cut in the part of the ruins called "the Royal City," and in others of the mounds at Susa, indicate that many remains may eventually be found there dating from the period of the Achæmenian Kings of Persia.
The upper surface of the tell of the acropolis at Susa for a depth of nearly two metres contains remains of the buildings and antiquities of the Achæmenian kings and others of both later and earlier dates.
Their national pride, indeed, always prompted them to devise some means of connecting the foreign monarch with their own solar line, and to transform an Achæmenian king into a legitimate Pharaoh.
Arrian mentions a son of Ochus about 330, and several other members of the royal Achæmenian race are known to have been living in the time of Alexander.
Their miserable fate did not discourage the satrap of Lydia, Pissuthnes, who was of Achæmenian race: he entered the lists in 418 B.
Herodotus had already spoken of this destruction of life as one of the duties incumbent on every Persian, and this gives probability to the view of modern writers that the festival went back to the Achæmenian epoch.
The classical writers also mention gods alongside of Ahura-mazdâ as recognised not only among the Achæmenian Persians, but also among the Parthians.
Pausanias, King of Sparta, had thoughts of obtaining the position of satrap in Greece, he asked for the hand of an Achæmenian princess.
Both the tombs and the palace are built in that eclectic style which characterises the Achæmenian period of Iranian art.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "menian" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.