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Example sentences for "mattes"

Lexicographically close words:
matteh; matter; mattered; mattereth; matters; matther; matting; mattings; mattins; mattock
  1. He set upon tho mattes crossleged lyke a telier; and som 3 or 4 bozes or pagon pristes on his right hand in a rum somthing lower.

  2. I forgot to note downe that all the rowmes in his pallis under foote are covered with mattes edged with damask or cloth of gould, and lye so close joyned on to an other that yow canot put the point of a knife betwixt them.

  3. The beddes were poore and of no vallew, for they were nothing but Mantels layde vpon mattes, or vpon Hay, or else mattes alone: fewe men lay within those houses.

  4. Mr. Eaton of the 1th and 13th ultimo, wherin he hath adviseth me he hath sould all his white baftas at sixteene mas the peece, and certen mattes broad cloth at fyfteene taies the matt.

  5. Mattes the smith had stopped, wondering, and was blinking around with his sick eyes.

  6. Then they dispersed, till there remained behind the inn only Mattes and Feivke.

  7. Mattes stood over the boy in despair, and looked around for help.

  8. Mattes went up to the table, gave a cough, bowed to the company, and said, "A good year!

  9. Mattes gave a squeal, and sat up hastily.

  10. A few of them reproved Mattes for his son's behavior.

  11. He wanted to go and take his father by the sleeve, make him get up and escape, but just then Mattes raised himself to a sitting posture, and began to rub his eyes with the same shy smile.

  12. Mattes began to unbutton his cloak, and slowly and cautiously let himself down onto the hay, whereupon the young man applied the whip with might and main, and his whole face shone.

  13. It was quite dark when Mattes came out again, took Feivke by the hand, set him on his feet, and said, "Now we are going home.

  14. Early next morning Mattes hired a conveyance, and drove Feivke to the town, to the asylum for the sick poor.

  15. The Minyan is there," and Mattes pointed his finger at the thatched roofs shining in the sunset.

  16. So his wife resolved to send the two men of the family, Mattes and Feivke, to a Minyan this Yom Kippur.

  17. One morning, therefore, Mattes the smith washed, donned his mended Sabbath cloak, went to the window, and blinked through it with his red and swollen eyes.

  18. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mattes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.