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Example sentences for "ldeke"

Lexicographically close words:
lazy; lazzarone; lazzaroni; lbing; lder; lderlin; ldst; lea
  1. Articles in Roscher, Lexikon, and in Orientalische Studien Nöldeke gewidmet.

  2. Nöldeke remarks that most of these terms are poetical--they may be ornate epithets given to old concrete divine figures, in which case the real cults were attached to these latter and not to abstractions.

  3. Quoted by NA¶ldeke in the Introduction to his Geschichte des QorAcns, p 22.

  4. The question whether the Prophet could read and write is discussed by NA¶ldeke (Geschichte des QorAcns, p.

  5. As NA¶ldeke has remarked, the grandest SAºras of the whole Koran are those in which Mua¸Yammad describes how all Nature trembles and quakes at the approach of the Last Judgment.

  6. I have generally followed the text and arrangement adopted by NA¶ldeke in his German translation.

  7. Nôldeke is strongly of opinion that the principal lines of the program of conquest carried out after Mohammed's death, had been drawn by the Prophet himself.

  8. Nôldeke was much sharper and more cautious in his historical criticism than Muir or Sprenger.

  9. Nöldeke supposes that words to this effect have been lost from the text.

  10. Nöldeke supposes this verse to have been revealed at Medina, and renders, Contend not except in the best way, i.

  11. If these words, as Nöldeke supposes, contain an allusion to the Ansars, it is likely that this verse was added at Medina.

  12. This Sura, which Nöldeke places last, and Muir sixth, in the earliest class of Meccan Suras, must at least have been composed prior to Sura xxxvii.

  13. This remark applies to what Nöldeke terms "the Suras of the First Period.

  14. Nöldeke thinks that the word for meeting is used here in the same sense as in v.

  15. The irresistible influence extended even to the Arabian paganism (Nöldeke in Hastings, Encyclop.

  16. I am glad to be able to cite the high authority of Nöldeke in favor of its authenticity.

  17. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ldeke" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.