She vas veeshing vor ze whale ven she pick me oop vrom here; and I vas hab to vait till she vas load up mit ze oils, ven she vas go zouth, and landt me at Valparaizo.
I print such of the legends of this chart as refer to the results of this expedition: "Duynich landt boven met boomen ende boseage.
In the Dutch edition Nieuwe Caerte van het goudrycke landt Guiana, the Llanos of Caracas, between the mountains of Merida and the Rio Pao, bear the name of Caribana.
Dat seems but little to bay for landt dat might now rent for a dollar an acre each year.
Ja, ja--I oonderstandst; und vhat vould der work be goot for vidout der landt on which it vast done?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "landt" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.