He was become, he declared with some zoological confusion, 'like a fish cast on dry land, gasping for breath, with lame legs and lamer lungs.
LaMer and Campbell recently have confirmed McCarrison's report of an augmentation in the weight of the adrenal glands in guinea-pigs fed on diets deficient in the antiscorbutic factor.
This fact was first brought out by Rondoni and Montagnani, and is of added interest in view of its confirmation by McCarrison as well as by LaMer and Campbell.
As regards scurvy, the only work is that of Rondoni, McCarrison and of LaMer and Campbell on the adrenal glands, which were found by all to be enlarged in guinea-pigs suffering from this disorder.
That being the precise case stripped of lame excuse and lamer balderdash, why should it be extremely difficult to declare the functioning, as to his specific acts, of the mind of the capital criminal in America?
This, if for no other reason than that singular scramble for spoils is wholly to the criminal's liking; it warps judgments, and emboldens lawbreakers to press on the lamer side for favors at once unearned and non-reformative.
Wheathampstead House, close to the station, is the seat of Earl Cavan; Lamer Park, a little N.
A delightful stroll may be taken from the village, westwards to Wheathampstead or Lamer Park, or northwards to Codicote or Kimpton.
I wonder if the old cripple would think me the lamerone now, thought Israel to himself, arriving on the hither side.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lamer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.