Don Christopher, himself, will need all his wit, if he journeyethas far as Barcelona!
When Osiris journeyethover you, permit ye him to go to Busiris.
Shall not the god Ur-ma pass over it as [he] journeyeth forward with vigor?
He journeyeth, hejourneyeth to the city of Pe, and he cometh to the city of Tepu.
Hail, let there be shouts of joy to the Osiris Nu, who is of the divine body of RÄ, as he journeyeth over Nu, and who propitiateth the KA of the god with that which he loveth.
The Majesty of the holy god goeth forth and advanceth even unto the land of Manu; he maketh brilliant the earth at his birth each day; he journeyeth on to the place where he was yesterday.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "journeyeth" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.