The tenth class of invertebrated animals, so named from the curled and ciliated branchia which protrude from the oval aperture of the shells.
This class constitutes the tenth of invertebrated animals, and receives its name from the jointed and ciliated branchia which protrude between the opercular valves.
The ninth class ofinvertebrated animals, divided into three orders, namely, A.
From the expressions used by Huxley, Anatomy ofInvertebrated Animals, p.
Huxley, in his Anatomy of Invertebrated Animals (p.
From the description of the Cockroach in Huxley’s Anatomy of Invertebrated Animals came the impulse which has encouraged us to treat that type at length.
And I presume that it will be agreed that whales and porpoises, sea fishes, and the innumerable hosts of marine invertebrated animals, are meant thereby.
In the last fifty years the number of known fossil remains of invertebrated animals has been trebled or quadrupled.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "invertebrated" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.