This place is called Indifference, and takes its Name from a Princess inhabiting there, a Person very fair and well made; but has a Grace and Meen of so little Wit, and seems so inutile and so silly, that it renders her even ridiculous.
Il n'est rien d'inutile aux personnes de sens=--There 5 is nothing useless to people of sense.
Bartolo had been rendered inutile by Figaro's cunning schemes and Almaviva had installed Rosina as his countess.
There is no necessity of disputing the daring of this scheme, and just as inutilewould be a discussion of its ethics.
Therefore, as we have said, anything short of this would render inutile the hopes of the Saints; would fail to accomplish the expectation of millions of spirits; and cause Satan to triumph, and frustrate the designs of God.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "inutile" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.