Yes, sir, I suggested the thought; though I will not take it on myself to say Sus had not some hinclination that way, even before I 'inted my hopinion.
But it misses folks dat it am p'inted at," remarked Blossom, reaching out and giving Deerfoot a nudge in the back.
There was fellers had hold of the leaders, an' there was pistols p'inted at the driver an' folks in general.
Well, us women talked it over till dark come; and I reckon if we had app'inted a committee to look after Milly and Dick, somethin' might have been done.
Warn't this drought app'inted before the foundation of the world?
And I says, 'Well, you see to it that Sally Ann gits app'inted to help judge the caliker quilts.
When Mr. Fisher begun to hint p'inted in their direction, they got up and slid outdoor.
I was kind of disap'inted in you when you didn't come home at all.
I'm disapp'inted in that, so I'll hang on as long as I can.
The man he didn't speak; he only sort o' moaned, and p'inted to the chimbley.
He talked about the weather and the birds and the trees and the flowers, and p'inted out things along the way, but she never opened her mouth till dinner-time.
He p'inted out to him that Miss Dorothy was gittin' on in years, and that a woman ought to be willin' to put up with a few hardships if she loved a man.
There's a time app'inted for every dish to break, jest as there is for every person to die, and this bowl's time had come.
And she said she tried to answer him, but her voice wouldn't come, and she jest p'inted to the shirt lyin' on the floor.
NEVER wur any luck in a wadding, as wur put off from app’inted day.
Why, because it be flying in the vace of the Lard, as hath app’inted ’un.
No; you bet this padre don't at that time wax vocif'rous or p'inted none about Spencer an' the Donna Anna.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "inted" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.