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Example sentences for "hurly"

Lexicographically close words:
hurled; hurlers; hurlie; hurling; hurls; hurlyburly; hurra; hurrah; hurrahed; hurrahing
  1. To bee shorte, horrible it is to repeate the murders done in that sturre, and hurly burly.

  2. This poore young Gentleman had no great reuenue, for that the patrimonie of his predecessors was wasted in charges for entertainement of Souldiers in the time of the hurly burly and debates aforesaid.

  3. He would give the ball a stroke of his hurly and drive it a great distance before him; he would cast (?

  4. Methinks I see this hurly all on foot; And, O, what better matter breeds for you Than I have nam'd!

  5. With copper men to work the soil began, With copper to rouse the hurly waves of war, To straw the monstrous wounds, and seize away Another's flocks and fields.

  6. The end of it all is murder, the younger son killing the elder with the hurly when he is accused by his brother of plotting to grab the farm.

  7. The first one said: "Give him a touch of the hurly and let the others do the same; and we'll wallop him till he is dead.

  8. Now Cuculin drew his sword and cut the head off the first man before he could make an offer of the hurly at him; and then he did the same to the other six.

  9. Wherwithal a great hurly burly and tumult began to rise by the fautors of both parts, so that he was like to attaine the Garland, which best could daunce for it.

  10. Wyth that a hurly burly rose amongs the people, euery man maruellinge what the matter shoulde be.

  11. In Christmas 1783, he once more appeared at Drury Lane, in a pantomime called "Hurly Burly.

  12. By means of this great hurly burly in shutting of the gates, the Guard that were in the Court made as great haste in at the Hall door; and would have come into the Hall amongst us, which we would not suffer.

  13. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hurly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.