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Example sentences for "houer"

Lexicographically close words:
hotte; hotter; hottest; hou; houblons; houghed; houghs; hould; houlding; houlds
  1. Houer about her, say that right for right Hath dim'd your Infant morne, to Aged night Dut.

  2. With that strong g'ard of Angells which doe houer About his sacred person, daye and night: And with invissible winges his head doe cover, that danger's darts thereon may neuer light.

  3. Saue me; and houer o're me with your wings You heauenly Guards.

  4. Heere Gothes haue giuen me leaue to sheath my Sword: Titus vnkinde, and carelesse of thine owne, Why suffer'st thou thy Sonnes vnburied yet, To houer on the dreadfull shore of Stix?

  5. Padock calls anon: faire is foule, and foule is faire, Houer through the fogge and filthie ayre.

  6. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "houer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.