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Example sentences for "hitte"

Lexicographically close words:
hithe; hither; hitherto; hitherward; hits; hitter; hitters; hitting; hiues; hiva
  1. And leyde on me with age, And hitte me under the ere, Unnethe myghte ich here.

  2. And Elde auntred hym on lyf, And at the laste he hitte A phisicien with a furred hood, That he fel in a palsie, And there dyed that doctour Er thre dayes after.

  3. After leaving the Doellinger Hof on my way here, a voice called out to me from the heights of the mountain, 'Carrier of the yokes, tell Hitte Hatte that she can now go home, for Jordan is dead.

  4. While Hitte Hatte was still in Seehaus Farm, two boys of Strad had climbed up the Ungarkopf to gather strawberries, and approached by accident the giant's abode.

  5. The poor fairy now bore the yoke of servitude, under the giant couple, who called her Hitte Hatte.

  6. Hitte Hatte was kind to the cat, fed her regularly, let her sleep in her own bed, and got altogether fond of her.

  7. She did her work joyfully and well, and with her blessings entered Seehaus; it was a pleasure to see how beautifully Hitte Hatte, for this name she had kept up, managed and arranged everything.

  8. The rhyme as well as the context shows that the true reading is: “Olyver him hitte again Upon the hede than fulle sone He carfe awaye with myght and mayne The cercle that sate uppon his crowne.

  9. At last betwixt his armes there came a post, Which hitte his nose, and stroke him downe almost; Pluter of nayles, quoth he, I did not know My nose was longer than my armes till now.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hitte" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.