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Example sentences for "hiccupped"

Lexicographically close words:
hiccoughed; hiccoughing; hiccoughs; hiccup; hiccuped; hiccups; hicieron; hick; hickories; hickory
  1. Fleeting and singing, and singing and fleeting," hiccupped Bhairon.

  2. The drunken Man staggered to his feet, and hiccupped vehemently.

  3. I'm hungry," said the first, and he hiccupped as he spoke.

  4. Larry having hiccupped his anger against the man for making them wait so long for the bacon, the woman said he should not wait longer without his supper now, for that she would go down and fry the rashers immediately.

  5. Not you, and I shan't go," hiccupped Isaac, seizing the plinth at the bottom of the balusters and holding on.

  6. The drunken Man staggered to his feet, and hiccupped vehemently in the face of the assembled Gods.

  7. Then the computer hiccupped again and said: "You'll need to draft and train Ameet Ruxt to help on this little job of taking over this planet called Terra, or Earth.

  8. Talmadge hiccupped to me--I should say, whispered to me just now, that an officer could no more refuse a toast than a challenge, and he said that it was after the greatest difficulty and dislike at first that he learned to drink.

  9. All dree," hiccupped Mrs. Fuzzey with the utmost cheerfulness.

  10. The second time Jason's servo-tracer on Lonnie hiccupped and dozed off was at 12:01 a.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hiccupped" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.