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Example sentences for "hauler"

Lexicographically close words:
haukis; haul; haulage; hauld; hauled; haulers; hauling; hauls; hault; haulte
  1. I'm the hewer of wood and the hauler of water, or, to speak more correctly, I'm the hauler of both.

  2. As he gave the Mexican more critical attention he was amazed to discover that he was the wood-hauler who had fled from Phoenix at the time McKibben had arrested Juan Morisco.

  3. Matt stood and waited, trying to guess what the wood-hauler had said to cause such a change in the man's bearing.

  4. As Motor Matt walked toward the man with the leveled revolver, the wood-hauler cried out a startled "Madre mia!

  5. Jose is a brother of Juan's, and Bascomb had the wood-hauler take charge of his daughter until he could get hold of her himself.

  6. There was a faint hiss, and away ran the man again bringing the next two kegs up rapidly, to be set at liberty, slung, and hoisted on another man's back as the hauler came back out of the fog.

  7. I have seen a water-hauler back into a stream, and then dip the water from the lowerside of tank, the muddy water always goes down stream and the wheels stir up the mud; and your bright water hauler dips it into the tank.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hauler" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.