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Example sentences for "harnesse"

Lexicographically close words:
harmost; harmosts; harms; harnes; harness; harnessed; harnesses; harnessing; harneys; harnsome
  1. Do not off your harnesse sirs I you aduise, At the least for this fortnight in no maner wise, Perchaunce in an houre when all ye thinke least, Our maisters appetite to fight will be best.

  2. I woulde haue my sworde and harnesse to shine so bright, That I might therwith dimme mine enimies sight, I would haue it cast beames as fast I tell you playne, As doth the glittryng grasse after a showre of raine.

  3. On the occasion of the French ambassador's visit to Greenwich, the king disported himself at the "tilte in a newe harnesse all gilte of a strange fashion that had not been seen.

  4. It is there described as "a harnesse given unto the King's Maiestie by Th^e Empero^r Maximilian w^t a Base of stele and goldesmythes worke.

  5. When time came that my harnesse should be taken off and that I should rest my selfe, I was not so joyfull of my liberty, as when the vaile was taken from mine eyes, I should see all the abhomination of this mischievous queane.

  6. Tas beene proued, if I were a huge man I should feare to drinke at meales, least they should spie my wind-pipes dangerous noates, great men should drinke with harnesse on their throates Tim.

  7. Thy horses shal be trap'd, Their harnesse studded all with Gold and Pearle.

  8. Ring the Alarum Bell, blow Winde, come wracke, At least wee'l dye with Harnesse on our backe.

  9. And suddenlie he was by his espials ascerteined, that sir Walter Herbert, and Rice ap Thomas were in harnesse before him, readie to incounter with his armie, and to stop their passage.

  10. Do not off your harnesse sirs I you advise, At the least for this fortnight in no maner wise, Perchaunce in an houre when all ye thinke least, Our maisters appetite to fight will be best.

  11. The fryer had on a harnesse good, 45 On his head a cap of steel, Broad sword and buckler by his side, And they became him weele.

  12. Robin Hood put on his harnesse good, On his head a cap of steel, Broad sword and buckler by his side, 35 And they became him weele.

  13. The fryer had on a harnesse good, On his head a cap of steel, Broad sword and buckler by his side, And they became him weele.

  14. Robin Hood put on his harnesse good, On his head a cap of steel, Broad sword and buckler by his side, And they became him weele.

  15. Of which their treason he neuer had knowledge before ten of the clocke the same forenoone, which sudden feare draue them to put on for their defense such harnesse as came next to hand.

  16. This siege continued the space of three weeks; at the end whereof the Frenchmen within yeelded the towne, and departed with their horsse and harnesse onelie to them saued.

  17. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "harnesse" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.