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Example sentences for "halloa"

Lexicographically close words:
hallelujahs; halliard; halliards; hallmark; hallo; halloed; halloo; hallooed; hallooing; halloos
  1. The man stared at Redpad, and Redpad stared at the man for a few seconds, and then the former leaped into the bushes; but as he fled he heard a view-halloa behind him.

  2. There was a faint halloa at the top of the hill: 'Try-Tra-i-y.

  3. Spraggon was quickly on the back of The Dandy; but he was hardly up before a view halloa was given in a field below them, and a hat held up proclaimed their fox was ahead of them.

  4. The moment, however, Master Reynard is safely through the neighbouring hedge, Jim's tremendous view-halloa makes the whole country ring again.

  5. This is the signal for every bumpkin and footman to shout and halloa with might and main, thus making the necessary confusion of the find worse confounded still.

  6. The halloa in the distance became fainter.

  7. Would we not do kindly to give a halloa or twain to help those poor hearts that may be wandering wild?

  8. Heaven knows into what foolishness I might have plunged myself had we not, at this instant, heard a faint halloa in the distance, which was answered by a shout from the little post-boy.

  9. Presently, however, a loud halloa from the top of the tumulus-like hill announced his whereabouts.

  10. We had two staunch dogs by our side, Lucifer and Lena, and when within twenty paces of the bay, we gave them a halloa on.

  11. I gave a view halloa till my lungs had well-nigh cracked.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "halloa" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.