The sole and dominant thought of many gunmakers is to make the very deadliest guns that human skill can invent, sell them as fast as possible, and declare dividends on their stock.
Up to this time, the great mass of men who handle guns have left it to the gunmakers to make their codes of ethics, and hand them out with the loaded cartridges, all ready for use.
Greener and some other gunmakers have since introduced minor modifications and improvements of this mechanism.
The French gunmakers of St-Etienne claim for their town that it is the oldest centre of the firearms industry.
English gunmakers reduced the weight, improved the shooting powers, and perfected the lock mechanism of the sporting gun, and increased the range and efficiency of the rifle.
The general success of the double gun was eventually due to the light weight which the better material and workmanship of the best gunmakers made possible, and to the quickness and certainty of ignition of the modern cartridge.
The Napoleonic wars afforded English gunmakers an opportunity, which they fully utilized, of gaining the supremacy over their foreign competitors in the gunmaking trade.
In the meantime it was gradually developed, and the copper percussion cap invented, by various gunmakers and private individuals.
In 1637 the London gunmakers obtained their charter of incorporation.
Gunmakers in London of no practical experience, but who can only trust to the descriptions of those who have travelled in wild countries, cannot possibly be trusted as advisers.
Gunmakers will not advise the use of pure lead for bullets, as it is apt to foul the barrel by its extreme softness, which leaves a coating of the metal upon the surface of the rifling.
Artists and sculptors exhibit the effects of their genius: why should not gunmakers also?
The marks applicable to the provisional proof for the Gunmakers Company shall be the letters (G.
Eley's ammunition may be had of all Gunmakers and Dealers at home or abroad.
How it is that the British sportsman has become the dupe of certain men who set themselves up for reputable gunmakers I know not.
The French gunmakers have not yet realized the true value of the shooting of their fowling-pieces.
This is a species of innovation much practised by gunmakers of the present day; but whatever merit there may have been in the original invention, there is none in "the improvement," as they term it.
In consequence of the frequent bursting of inferior guns, the Company of Gunmakers of the City of London instituted a proof-house, to which the barrels of respectable makers were all sent to be proved.
First-class gunmakerssee to the trigger-pull so as to make a compromise between a nice, light trigger-pull and one safe to use.
First-class gunmakers make the "weight," as it is called, of their trigger as light and smooth as possible subject to its being safe to handle.
The system which the gunmakers worked out and developed to meet their own requirements was capable of indefinite expansion.
But no doubt some rifles are ‘over-sighted,’ and if so it is partly the fault of the gunmakers and partly the fault of the sportsmen themselves, who insist upon gunmakers trying for the impossible.
Turnscrews, such as working gunmakers use, should be specially ordered, and not the slight and nearly useless tools usually found in rifle and gun cases.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gunmakers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.