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Example sentences for "gratulation"

Lexicographically close words:
gratuitous; gratuitously; gratuitousness; gratuity; gratulate; gratulations; gratulatory; gratum; gratus; graue
  1. The next minute the bridegroom had leaped upon Don Carlos, and both riders were waving their hands in response to the eager clamour of gratulation and farewell which sprang to the lips of the bystanders.

  2. A little buzz of amaze and gratulation went round the room as the Queen spoke thus.

  3. I thank God that I am not like this Publican," was the self-gratulation of a much greater sinner.

  4. She rarely did more than listen to the few words of routine gratulation the Intendente spoke, and with a slight nod of her head intimate that they might retire.

  5. He felt self-conscious and ill at ease, yet with a trace of gratulation through it all.

  6. Duncan struggled to rouse himself to share in the spirit of gratulation with which Kellogg was bubbling.

  7. But there was no sound of gratulation met his ear, no acclamation for his regained ascendency.

  8. On the departure of the Statesman, the Count returned once more to the apartment he had occupied while a prisoner, with no small self-gratulation on the change in his situation.

  9. Joy and gratulation spread through the city; and the people of Ghent, elated by their novel exploits in arms, laid out in fancy vast plans of conquest and aggrandizement, and began to think themselves invincible in the field.

  10. No body of men rejoiced over this prospect more heartily than Republican senators and representatives, for if it should prove true they would have cause of gratulation both as patriots and partisans.

  11. With what a joy my lofty gratulation Unawed I* sang.

  12. The joyful welcome of my boys, the soft gratulation of Clara, the pressure of Adrian's hand, contributed to unman me.

  13. Her silence, gravity, and the religious view she took of the event were strangely in contrast to the vanity, levity, and self-gratulation with which the king talked of his temporarily humbled fortunes.

  14. The progress of Ireland in material prosperity was obvious, and a source of gratulation to the empire.

  15. There was no malignity in Tito Melema's satisfaction: it was the mild self-gratulation of a man who has won a game that has employed hypothetic skill, not a game that has stirred the muscles and heated the blood.

  16. But Adams calls For other notes of gratulation high; That now he wanders thro' those endless worlds He here so well descried; and, wondering, talks And hymns their Author with his glad compeers.

  17. Suddenly, as thus the child of Lebanon gazed upon the mighty vision, she saw bending forward from the heavenly host, as if in gratulation to herself, the one countenance for which she hungered and thirsted.

  18. It is a subject of gratulation that the efforts which have been made for the suppression of this inhuman traffic have been recently attended with unusual success.

  19. They would have much cause for gratulation at the course which has been pursued by Spain.

  20. In the same spirit of self-gratulation he entered his home.

  21. It would be difficult to declare the self-gratulation of the successful author in language more sententious or expressive.

  22. In selecting this theme, I would not minister to the pride or gratulation of the Present, nor would I furnish motives for indifference or repose.

  23. Word was brought to Mohammed that the Christians would not fight, and in hasty gratulation he sent off letters to cities in the rear to that effect.

  24. It ought, indeed, to be a subject of gratulation that the spirit of the volunteers and the patriotism of the people have enabled us, under Providence, to grapple successfully with these difficulties.

  25. Though Flora culls the fairest of her bowers, And strews the path of Hymen with her flowers, Nor half the raptures give her scatter'd sweets, The Cake far kinder gratulation meets.

  26. Give God the tribute of your gratulation for your good companion.

  27. Even more illustrative and better authenticated is a case related with much gratulation by Nider as occurring when he was teaching in the University of Vienna.

  28. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gratulation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.