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Example sentences for "gnaediges"

Lexicographically close words:
glyph; glyphs; glyptic; gnadige; gnaedige; gnarl; gnarled; gnarly; gnash; gnashed
  1. Always on entering they say "Good day" and the proprietor comes up with "How can I serve you, gnaediges Fraeulein?

  2. Lieutenant Linder, with an extremely low bow, begged gnaediges Fraeulein to give him the honor of the first waltz.

  3. Caught you that time, gnaediges Fraeulein," said a voice, and I met the laughing glance of Karl, who jumped on the step of our carriage and rode along with us.

  4. I myself was on the point of going in search of gnaediges Fraeulein," said Lieutenant Blum, with a low bow, much rattling of sword, and that sneering smile which even his great black mustache fails to conceal.

  5. Twisting the buttons of his livery, he made a little speech very fast, all of which I could not understand, but the burden of it was a wish that the lieber Gott would keep gnaediges Fraeulein in health and happiness all her days.

  6. And so I might perhaps take my leave of you, gnaediges Fraeulein, with the renewed assurance of my sincere regret that I have unconsciously offended you.

  7. Gnaediges Fraeulein," he said, "I have given you reason to be very angry with me.

  8. That is a clever piece of guessing; I congratulate you, gnaediges Fraeulein.

  9. Gnaediges Fraulein will you not put on your mantel?

  10. Because dress and jewellery and amusement are the chief things in your life, gnaediges Fraeulein.

  11. It will not be unpleasant to gnaediges Fraeulein?

  12. You are not getting out, gnaediges Fraeulein.

  13. It was the Herr Hauptmann who told us what Gnaediges Fraeulein liked," the gruff soldier said, still in an attitude of rigid military correctness.

  14. The regiment wishes Gnaediges Fraeulein health and happiness, and hopes that she will approve of the selection which has been made.

  15. The regiment brings Gnaediges Fraeulein its best wishes for her birthday," he thundered, as though a dozen luckless recruits stood before him.

  16. It is well, Gnaediges Fraeulein; it is well.

  17. Gnaediges Fraeulein will go with the Herr Hauptmann?

  18. But the little girl said, no, a maedchen, a gnaediges fraeulein gave it to her, and then we knew.

  19. Gnaediges Fraeulein is in a fix,' he observed in his admirably correct and yet so painful German.

  20. Again in this explanation did he call me gnaediges Fraeulein, and again was I touched by so much innocence.

  21. Pardon, gnaediges Fraeulein," he mumbled with a clumsy bow.

  22. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gnaediges" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.