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Example sentences for "gaging"

Lexicographically close words:
gag; gaged; gages; gagged; gagging; gagne; gagner; gags; gaie; gaieties
  1. In the center of the cooking utensil is placed a small cylinder made of slats of bamboo to serve for gaging the amount of evaporation.

  2. It is usual to employ a little gaging rod of bamboo for measuring the amount of evaporation, this being done by inserting it into the bamboo cylinder in the center of the pot, but an old hand at brewing can gage by the smell.

  3. Tool for Gaging Taper Threaded Holes] The tool shown in Fig.

  4. Time and again they went over the ground with infinite care, counting and gaging the obstacles in their way, devising means to overcome them, and rehearsing the effort in advance.

  5. With the gage, mark short lines at the points of insertion in the center of each edge, gaging from the outside faces.

  6. To secure accuracy, all gaging on the surface of wood, should be done from the "working face" or "working edge.

  7. By planing the ends and the width before the thickness is planed, a dressed face is secured all around for gaging the thickness.

  8. A special gage is made for gaging curved lines, Fig.

  9. It has been found that next in importance to properly graded aggregates is the gaging of the amount of water used in the mixture.

  10. The bottle used for gaging these must hold 8 oz.

  11. This bottle serves the purpose of a standard for gaging the jars.

  12. She had lost many of her family, and was able to comfort from gaging the affectionate father's grief.

  13. That was not enough, but still gaging him with their tape they withheld justice from him, after he displayed his worth in meeting the impending crisis.

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gaging" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.