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Example sentences for "flix"

Lexicographically close words:
flitted; flitter; flitting; flittings; flivver; float; floated; floater; floaters; floateth
  1. His fathers death was occasioned (as men iudge) by a fall which he caught at a iournie, for he was sore bruised therewith, and neuer had his health, but finallie fell into a flix and so died.

  2. Hair, such a wonder of flix and floss, Freshness and fragrance--floods of it, too!

  3. The Maud is headed to the north north-east half east; and that is not the course Captain Scott gave out when Flix took the helm.

  4. Perhaps there were some chances for your aim or your calculations to fail," suggested Scott; "though Flix says you never miss your mark when you shoot.

  5. She is coming up from the south; and if our business was not such here that none of us can leave, I would send Morris and Flix to the top of that hill on the point, where they could see the ship twenty miles off in this clear air.

  6. The fog has blown in ahead of us, Louis; but Flix reports that you have not been able to find the lights of the pirate," said Scott.

  7. Flix called my attention to the fall some time ago; and after a look at the chart I decided to alter the course," said the captain, as he pointed out the island of Cyprus on the chart spread out on the falling table over the divan.

  8. The great majority of the people speak the Greek language, but it is so much corrupted that Flix would not understand it.

  9. I know we have always pronounced the word FatĀ“-ee-may, and that is where Flix got the foundation for his abbreviation.

  10. Flix will soon enlighten us on that subject, for he has a wonderfully sharp pair of eyes.

  11. I have heard Flix tell all about the affair; and in his estimation Hercules and General Grant were nothing at all compared with Captain Ringgold, when he tells the story.

  12. In 1669 an attempt was made to employ the flix or down of the beaver in the manufacture of cloths, flannels, stockings.

  13. Much more wool, however, than flix was required, the hair of the beaver being so short, and this prevented the manufacture being very profitable.

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "flix" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.