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Example sentences for "figgers"

Lexicographically close words:
fifty; fig; figger; figgered; figgering; figgurs; figgy; fight; fighte; fighten
  1. I'll wait fur your figgers until next steamer day,' sez he, and off he goes like a shot.

  2. Don't let people of the world think they must draw down their faces and colaps, because a man joaks about a lot of wacks figgers dressed up in 6 penny caliker.

  3. I visited WOOD'S Museum to see the wacks figgers and things.

  4. If you print this letter, I hope you'll apologize for its dullness, for figgers are mity dry readin for most peepel.

  5. Chase's figgers had turned his hed, and he thought he was flat-botin agin on the Mississippi river.

  6. The Kernel sed he couldn't even lay the foundashin timbers of his messige until he had some figgers about the debt to begin on.

  7. Can't you put the two figgers up separate?

  8. Mr. Traynor figgers on puttin' a couple of men out trappin' and poisonin' them and the coyotes.

  9. Dey asks my name and I says William Davis, 'cause I knows Mr. Jefferson Davis am President of de South durin' de war, and I figgers it a good name.

  10. I went in fer to git Bud a cap and I hearn the clerk askin' the boss about fixin' up a winder show with wax figgers fer a weddin'.

  11. I got the figgers on the price of everything from the House Furnishers' Establishment.

  12. THE SAND-STORM WE went a-fooling along for a day or two, and then just as the full moon was touching the ground on the other side of the desert, we see a string of little black figgers moving across its big silver face.

  13. Jim said: "Is dem figgers jist edjackly true, en no jokin' en no lies, Mars Tom?

  14. Your figgers was a few hundred thousand out of the way, maybe, but barrin' that you was perfectly right.

  15. I figgers they knowed they own dear paw well 'nuff to know the idee w'ich he toted in his mind.

  16. But folks ort to be mejum in figgers of speech, Josiah, and not go too fur.

  17. Now I figgers this way; it will take us 'bout a week to learn what we has gotter learn 'bout the coast beyond those hills afore we takes chances on crossin' 'em.

  18. Just look at that patch there in the northeast corner, that piece of felt with moon and star figgers on it!

  19. Especially the lady--she's going to like it here, because there's plenty of wipes and greasers and figgers to keep her company.

  20. But figgers won't lie noways, and it's figgers that shows this yer to be the last yer of the world, and that the final eend of all things is approachin'.

  21. For he had clearly studied figgers to the neglect of the other branches of a liberal education.

  22. Letty figgers that somebody tossed that goldsack over the top of the cage after you follered the Count out.

  23. Just wait till I add up the figgers and weigh--" He paused; he stooped; then he rose with something he had picked up from the floor beneath his feet.

  24. Said It was down here fer the first time in a-a-all Its life, and figgers t' work this town fer book mawterial.

  25. Bergin is powerful strong in pollytics, and he figgers to git the Court House erected on the other side of town--where his wife's got some land.

  26. These two figgers have set here so long they don't need no stories; they jest belong here, same as the trees doos.

  27. I manetane that wax figgers is more elevatin than awl the plays ever wroten.

  28. At sum futur time I shall continner my remarks on the drammer in which I shall show the varst supeeriority of wax figgers and snakes over theater plays, in a interlectooal pint of view.

  29. It's only afterwards you find that figgers ain't the whole game, and wrostling ten million dollars out of one of the biggest railroad kings and bank presidents in America has something to it liable to hand you nightmare.

  30. But it's his job to juggle around with figgers same as it's yours, and if you beat him out of ten million dollars you must have played a slicker hand than him.

  31. He figgers to raise all sorts of hell around.

  32. It was just a matter of the figgers which it's your job to play around with.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "figgers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.