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Example sentences for "fidgetted"

Lexicographically close words:
fides; fidget; fidgeted; fidgeting; fidgets; fidgetting; fidgetty; fidgety; fidibus; fiducia
  1. She says, as her excuse, Oh, he does not like to be fidgetted after.

  2. The perspiration began to stand out on his forehead, his eyes grew large and round and his gaze set, Tom fidgetted mightily and persons in nearby seats, sensing the tragedy, grinned in heartless amusement.

  3. While the afternoon tea was in progress, Eleanor fidgetted impatiently about the room.

  4. She quivered all over; she fidgetted in her seat; she did not know who spoke to her or what she was talking about; her fingers went fluttering up and down the keyboard.

  5. Hiram fidgetted from one foot to the other.

  6. The cows were lying quiet in their stalls; the place was fragrant with their breath, and every now and then there sounded a faint rattling through the gloom as one or other fidgetted sleepily on her chain.

  7. An unkempt brown moustache drooped drearily on either side of a long corncob pipe-stem, and his bony hands fidgetted with an untanned strap round his waist.

  8. He turned away and fidgetted with the badge of his cap.

  9. He fidgetted with his sweet-bay twig, considering the aromatic leaves with a troubled and concentrated scowl.

  10. The boy hung his head and fidgetted with his hands.

  11. He fidgetted a bit, more because he was unaccustomed to standing still than from any other feeling.

  12. He yawned and fidgetted over the emblazoned pages of his own family pedigree, whenever they were opened before him.

  13. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fidgetted" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.