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Example sentences for "faulds"

Lexicographically close words:
faudrait; faudroit; faught; faulchion; fauld; fault; faulte; faulted; faultering; faultes
  1. Faulds was now back in his own trench, and looking out saw the officer lying on the ground.

  2. But Faulds leapt over the parapet, picked up a man, brought him safely in, and then carried him for half a mile to a dressing station.

  3. Two days later Faulds performed a similar act of unselfish heroism.

  4. Faulds believed that he had discovered in the case of the Japanese, has not been borne out by the experience of others.

  5. Faulds concluded that heredity played a great part in the particular form of the markings.

  6. At Faulds Brow reaces, 'twas his profession To run when young withoot intermission, And prizes nineteen he won in succession!

  7. The wrestling at Faulds Brow always--very injudiciously, we think--took place late in the evening.

  8. At Faulds Brow sports, when a hale hearty stager of more than three-score-and-ten years, he challenged to wrestle any man in England of his own age.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "faulds" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.