The arch was ycarven very faire and panellae did rise to ye roofe, and ye volte over the Est window was ydonne in fanne worke: likewise the eastern part of ye choire was in fannes wyth a great arch as soe it was donne with panellae between.
Ye names of builded things are very hard in Latin tongue--transome, fanne tracery, and the like.
In winter, it is a warme night-cap, in sommer, a cooling fanne of fethers.
The gay Peacocke is woondrously inamored vpon the glittering fanne of his owne gorgious taile, and weeneth himselfe worthy to be crowned the Prince of byrdes, and to be enthronished in the chaire of supreme excellency.
Item, one fanne of feather of divers colours, the handle of golde, with a bare and a ragged staffe on both sides, and a lookinge glass on thone side.
By a Gentleman unknown, a fanne of sundry collored fethers, with a handle of aggets garnished with silver gilte.
Among the rest there is one which they make great account of: for they say hee giueth them all things both foode and apparell, and one sitteth alwayes by him with a fanneto make wind towards him.
They haue in some of these houses their idoles standing, and one sitteth by them in warme weather with a fanne to blowe winde vpon them.
This fanne and mace whiche either doubil wight, Of shelde, and swayed in conflicte, or bataile, Shal exercise as well swordmen, as knyghtes.
And fanne of doubil wight, tak him his shelde Of doubil wight, a mace of tre[448] to welde.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fanne" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.