SNAP The pack of cards is dealt round, face downward, and each player packs his cards together, without looking at them, and then places them in front of him.
Bound as in a frame of elastic steel, their victim was thrown, face downward, upon the sand.
I do not know how long I remained there, but presently I heard a groan near by, and a tall man rose up from where he had been stretched, face downward, on the ground, and I beheld Paul Darcantel!
Face downward, with a hole between his shoulder blades, the dead man was lying where he might lie undiscovered for months or for years, or forever.
Half-way down the cliff on an outcropping shelf of rock the man lay, face downward, motionless.
But by the time we dropped that line I had begun to think coherently and to take note of everything possible to me, bound as I was, face downward, on the pony's back.
Charlie Bent's splendid white steed fell headlong, hurling its rider to the ground and dragging him, face downward, in the dirt.
Yonder lay, face downward, as described, a sinewy young brave of the Apache Mohave band, his newer, cleaner shirt and his gayly ornamented sash and headgear telling of superior rank and station among his kind.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "face downward" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.