And it is this virtue which God uses as His main witness, as His chief instrument, to evangelise the world.
That very element in the Apostle, in virtue of which he could act for God at all, was already preoccupied, and though the people were there, ready to be evangelised, it was beyond his power to evangelise them.
When Boniface went forth from England to evangelise Germany, he was received with welcome, and regarded as a saint: when Gerhardt came from Germany to restore the pure Gospel to England, he was cast out of the vineyard and slain.
Heinrich, Otho, Conrad, and Magnus, ye go northward to evangelise in like manner.
It was in 1219 that St. Francis sent his disciples out to evangelise the world.
Krishna Pal became the first native missionary to Calcutta, where he in 1810 had preached at fourteen different places every week, and visited forty-one families, to evangelise the servants of the richer and bring in the members of the poorer.
Carey stood alone in his persistent determination that the Church should evangelise the world.
The Church of England thrust forth the Puritans first to Holland and then to New England, where Eliot, the Brainerds, and the Mayhews sought to evangelise tribes which did not long survive themselves.
The history of the Reformation in French-speaking Switzerland belongs, however, to the next chapter, and the efforts of Bern to evangelise its subjects in these districts will be described there.
They were the forerunners of the young preachers, teachers, and colporteurs whom Calvin trained later in Geneva and sent forth by the hundred to evangelise France and the Low Countries.
Whatever had survived of Latin culture and civilisation in these districts had disappeared before the influence of the heathen invaders; the men whose work it was to re-evangelise these districts found few traces of Christianity.
His son Peada had already been baptized in Northumbria by Finnan who sent four ecclesiastics back with him to evangelise the Midlands, and Wulfhere (c.
Through them, as primary, he has, and is, and will evangelisethe world.
He selected this seed for His own training, instruction, and culture, to the end that they might train, instruct, and evangelise the rest of mankind.
The law seems to be reversed, and that too for a benevolent purposeāfor the very purpose that they might be able to fulfil the mission assigned them in these last days, to occupy the new lands and evangelise the world.
I always believed it was possible to evangelise India.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "evangelise" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.