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Example sentences for "eschue"

Lexicographically close words:
eschew; eschewe; eschewed; escheweth; eschewing; esclavage; esclave; esclaves; esclavos; escocheon
  1. Therefore they are not Diuels which bid vs doo good, and eschue euil.

  2. Do not all heretickes yet at this day say, they are sent from God, and that we must eschue wickednesse, and séeke after vertue?

  3. And shall wee therefore reiect the readinge, and eschue those holy bookes?

  4. But for-as-muche as som folk been unmesurable, men oghten eschue fool-largesse, that men clepen wast.

  5. The seconde manere of chastitee is for to been a clene widewe, and eschue the embracinges of man, and desyren the embracinge of Iesu Crist.

  6. And al-be-it so that I have spoken somwhat of Avoutrie, it is good to shewen mo perils that longen to Avoutrie, for to eschue that foule sinne.

  7. Another remedie agayns Lecherie is, that a man or a womman eschue the companye of hem by whiche he douteth to be tempted; for al-be-it so that the dede is withstonden, yet is ther greet temptacioun.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "eschue" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.