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Example sentences for "ergotism"

Lexicographically close words:
erga; ergin; erginst; ergo; ergot; ergrown; ergs; erhanging; erhangs; erhead
  1. It has a place in the latest chronological table of ergotism epidemics, that of Hirsch in his Handbuch der historisch-geographischen Pathologie, vol.

  2. Journal des Scavans about ergot of rye in certain parts of France, and that there is nothing about ergotism in England in either vol.

  3. According to Haeser, it was not until the French essay of Read (Strasbourg, 1771) that the identity of the old ignis with the modern gangrenous ergotism was pointed out.

  4. This reference to ergotism in England in 1676 is given also in Th.

  5. The first undoubted instance of ergotism in England belongs to the eighteenth century.

  6. Corresponding effects of ergotism may or may not have occurred during the medieval period in other countries of Europe where rye was grown.

  7. The last-known "epidemic" of ergotism occurred in Lorraine and Burgundy in the year 1816.

  8. Epidemics of ergotism have been recorded from time to time since the days of Galen, and were due to poverty, wretchedness, and famine, resulting in the feeding upon ergotized bread.

  9. Wood also mentions a species of ergotism characterized by epileptic paroxysms, which he calls "spasmodic ergotism.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ergotism" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.