But emonge these simple sowles, a fewe clothes serue the naked; weightes and measures are not needefull to such as cannot kyll of crafte and deceyte and haue not the vse of pestiferous monye, the seede of unnumerable myscheues.
Emonge alle other thou wert chosen for to goo to the sarazyns for grete trust emonge all the other, and for the fydelyte that was thought in thee; thou hast consented to trayson, and allone hast commyted infydelyte.
It is a stronge medicine to learne the best things of learned men, and emonge the learned.
Emonge the excellent vertues of Paulus Emilius, this also is praised, that as oftẽ as he might for his busines in the cõmon welth he wolde be at the exercises of hys sõnes.
We too will therefore hope that old Lydgate's sowle be gon (To) the sterred paleys above the dappled skye, Ther to syng Sanctus insessavntly Emonge the mvses nyne celestyall, Before the hyeste Iubyter of all.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "emonge" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.